Frequently Asked Questions
How am I able to access the makerspace?
Phorge is secured by pin pad locks. Members will be given a pin to access the space. Do not share this pin with anyone. Additionally, you are allowed one non-member guest outside of open hours. However, they are not allowed to operate the equipment.
Can I bring my kids to the makerspace?
Yes! However, if they are using equipment, we ask that you have a 1:2 ratio of adults to children.
What equipment can I use?
You may use any equipment for which you have passed training as long as it is not currently in use. We don’t currently have a system to schedule the use of equipment and it is generally not an issue.
What is the material policy at the makerspace?
Members purchase and bring their own material. Phorge has an “approved material brands” list for most of our machines and all material must be on that list. If you have a material that you’d like to be added to the list, please see a staff member.
What do I do if something is broken?
Any problems or abnormalities should be reported to staff immediately.
What equipment can members under 18 operate?
Members under 18 may operate the following equipment provided they are trained for it:
- Cricut
- Prusa Minis (3D Printers)
- Glowforge Laser Cutter
- Computer Lab
- OzoBots
- LittleBits
- And more!